150 000 Ft
Akai Z8 sampler
Akai Z8 sampler eladó kifogástalan állapotban.
Ára: 170.000 Ft
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Sampling formats: 24- or 16-bit at 44.1kHz, 48kHz and 96kHz with 64-times oversampling A-D converter and 128-times oversampling D-A converter.
Memory: 16MB as standard, expandable to 512MB using 168-pin Dimms.
Polyphony: 64 voices (32 voices when system clock is set to 96KHz).
Multitimbrality: 128 parts.
Envelope generators: three digital envelope generators.
Filters: three two-pole filters with resonance, 32 filter types.
Lfos: two multi-wave Lfos.
Connections: Record In (two balanced quarter-inch jacks), Stereo Out and eight assignable analogue outs (all on balanced quarter-inch jacks), headphones, two MIDI Ins, two MIDI Out/Thrus, SCSI (50-pin connection), S/Pdif digital I/O, two USB sockets (one host socket, one slave).
Multi-effects: four-buss design with more than 40 effect types.
MIDI: 32 channels.